
A parallel quest in elixir

2020-03-31 -- 10 mins read

Since August 2018, EBANX has been running a project to map and document its accounting and financial flows. The main goal is to provide visibility to processes such as payments, refunds, chargebacks, etc.

We've been working on this system, which basically is an ETL in Elixir that takes information from our transactional database and converts it into financial and accounting events, persisting them on an accounting database (more like the accounting book format.)

For example, for a payment requested and confirmed on our transactional table payment, two accounting entries (credit and debit) will be required, and we identify those with a PAYMENT_CONFIRMED|PAYMENT_RECOGNITION event on our accounting database.

The amount of data to be processed with this pipeline can be HUGE. We sometimes have import tasks involving dozens of millions of ids that request data from over twenty database tables to accommodate all variations of product peculiarities. It's not rare to have jobs lasting something about 6 to 8 hours in a 36 cores machine.

Then at some point we decided the pipeline internals was to complicated and inaccessible for most part of the team that were not really Elixir experts (darn macros).

I then came forth with a new version and started implementing it and replacing the old pipeline. Also had to wanted to substitute the code for the importing job to work better with the new code.

In the exact day we have all components placed and tests passing with the new code comes the news: the project scope has changed, it needed to analyze a new period of time and we needed all the new data imported before we could even start working.

Not really how I had planned to test the new code, but it had to be done and there was not really an easy way to put the old pipeline working again (my bad).

It's ok, no pressure.

So I put the new ids file to import and the time metrics says the processing would be finished in days, not hours. It would be a big blunder if I had done all that work and in the end have to revert everything for not having given though on the performance.

Oh, of course, I just forgot something...

"Let's make it parallel", I said, "we've done it before". Yeah, if just the elixir runtime would agree with me.

The problem was not so simple, we had a previous version of the same importing pipeline which we used to run on Flow but we would like to try something simpler like Task.async_stream.

We had the new sub-pipeline that would do all of the important work. In the importing pipeline (that will be my main subject here) we just had to feed it with chunks of ids and stream the results to the Database component.

The internal pipeline was already complex enough so it was not a very good candidate for parallelism and we didn't want to complicate our logic there.

So an easy way out is to parallelize the calls to the internal pipeline on the importing job pipeline that will also persist the information on the database.

Here is some draft code for you to have a taste:

defmodule MyProj.FileImporterJob do
  alias MyProj.Database
  alias MyProj.EventGeneratorPipeline
  @load_chunk_size 50
  @insert_chunk_size 3
  @load_workers 8

  @insert_workers 4
  def execute_pipeline(ids_file_path) do
    |> File.stream!(read_ahead: 65536)
    |> Stream.map(&String.trim/1)
    |> Stream.map(&String.to_integer/1)
    |> Stream.chunk_every(@load_chunk_size)
    |> Task.async_stream(&EventGeneratorPipeline.execute/1, max_concurrency: @load_workers)
    |> Stream.flat_map(&ensure_and_forward_stream/1)
    |> Stream.chunk_every(@insert_chunk_size)
    |> Task.async_stream(&Database.insert/1, max_concurrency: @insert_workers)
    |> Stream.map(&ensure_and_forward_stream/1)
    |> Stream.run
  defp ensure_and_forward_stream({:ok, stream}), do: stream

Version 1 of the new FileImporterJob using the new module EventGeneratorPipeline

The code was easy to read and all constraints I wanted to put on it were perfectly clear: how many records would I get from the database per query, how many concurrent database connections, etc.

So, I get to run this code and the time expectation is absurdly bigger than it should be. A htop reveals to me that only 1 of our 36 available cores was effectively doing some work. To complete the situation, even that one core I had working would from time to time drop to almost zero.

What has gone wrong?

We tried a lot of hypotheses, I remember looking for the queue size of an internal genserver to see if that was the bottleneck. But it wasn't.

Desperation mode: on.

I put a :read_ahead option on the File.stream trying to make a better use of my disk and there was some improvement. Mainly the problem regarding drops in the processing became less frequent and less severe, but this surely was not my only bottleneck.

At some point, trying a lot of different things, I removed the code between the two parallel parts, and BOOM: things started working the way they were supposed to. Or at least, I got a steady 65%~80% usage on all cores (which I trust is good enough for a system that depends heavily on the database on the two ends. ) In the end, the parallelism problem was a little sequential line of code throttling the whole pipeline. And that was not obvious, unfortunately.

defmodule MyProj.FileImporterJob do
  alias MyProj.Database
  alias MyProj.EventGeneratorPipeline
  @load_chunk_size 50
  @insert_chunk_size 3
  @load_workers 8

  @insert_workers 4
  def execute_pipeline(ids_file_path) do
    |> File.stream!(read_ahead: 65536)
    |> Stream.map(&String.trim/1)
    |> Stream.map(&String.to_integer/1)
    |> Stream.chunk_every(@load_chunk_size)
    |> Task.async_stream(&EventGeneratorPipeline.execute/1, max_concurrency: @load_workers)
    |> Task.async_stream(&Database.insert(&1, insert_chunk_size: @insert_chunk_size), max_concurrency: @insert_workers)
    |> Stream.map(&ensure_and_forward_stream/1)
    |> Stream.run
  defp ensure_and_forward_stream({:ok, stream}), do: stream

This also made me realize something important. The code was not executing the way I thought it would. In fact, seeing from a low level perspective, all a method of the Stream module does is to define a function, and this is not executed until someone (the next piped function) calls that hidden function asking for a new value. So the flow is not given by the first line pushing data downwards, but by the last line asking up for the next value and cascading up this call. That means that unlike what I thought initially, it was not the first parallel part that was not being able to pass down the values in the speed it wanted. The truth was that it was not receiving work to do since the throttle below was not calling it frequently enough.

That was a hard realization to have, the data flow is surely top-down, but in some sense the execution flow is bottom-up and then top-down. Requests go up before the data can come down, and the requests might get throttled somewhere before the data even has a chance to walk down the pipeline.

And overall it makes sense, that flatten was a sequential operation after all and removing it should improve the data flow from one step to the other since a parallel step would be capable of inducing more demand from its previous step.

defmodule MyProj.FileImporterJob do
  alias MyProj.Database
  alias MyProj.EventGeneratorPipeline

  @load_chunk_size 50
  @insert_chunk_size 3
  @load_workers 8
  @insert_workers 4

  def execute_pipeline(ids_file_path) do
    # we also decided to get all values to memory up-front
    # and avoid the disk would mess our performance visibility
    specs =
      |> File.stream!(read_ahead: 65536)
      |> Stream.map(&String.trim/1)
      |> Stream.map(&String.to_integer/1)
      |> Enum.chunk_every(@load_chunk_size)

    |> Task.async_stream(&EventGeneratorPipeline.execute/1, max_concurrency: @load_workers)
    |> Task.async_stream(&Database.insert(&1, insert_chunk_size: @insert_chunk_size), max_concurrency: @insert_workers)
    |> Stream.run

There is one final problem with this approach: inter process communication.

The big data chunks in this whole process are actually generated in the module EventGeneratorPipeline that runs inside the processes Task.async_stream spawns, but they are consumed in the other parallel part of the code, in another context. Which means, as far as I know, that they will be copied in memory to be passed to these others processes. And this copy could be avoided if we put producer and consumer to run in the same context:

defmodule MyProj.FileImporterJob do
  alias MyProj.Database
  alias MyProj.EventGeneratorPipeline

  @load_chunk_size 50
  @insert_chunk_size 3
  @workers 8

  def execute_pipeline(ids_file_path) do
    specs =
      |> File.stream!(read_ahead: 65536)
      |> Stream.map(&String.trim/1)
      |> Stream.map(&String.to_integer/1)
      |> Enum.chunk_every(@load_chunk_size)

    |> Task.async_stream(&process_chunk/1, max_concurrency: @workers)
    |> Stream.run
  def process_chunk(chunk) do
    |> EventGeneratorPipeline.execute
    |> Database.insert(insert_chunk_size: @insert_chunk_size)

This had a massive improvement in performance. The execution time of the whole job for a 1 million ids dropped from ~30 minutes to ~15 minutes, roughly 50% improvement. I really regret not having done this earlier.

But it didn't come without a cost to the code. Previously I had the impression that it could both be loading data from the source database, and inserting at my final database in an independent fashion. In a way I could keep data flowing in and out at the maximum possible speed for each one.

But that is not possible anymore using the new version, although if I just let this run for enough time I think the threads would eventually end up coordinating themselves, while some of them are fetching data some others would be storing.

This last version of the pipeline was a trade-off. To get less memory copy I lost a whole bunch of control on my code. You may see in this last example that we only have a workers variable, no more load_workers and insert_workers. So I no longer have fine control on how many workers I have using each database at any given time, just a general number of workers that may be distributing well the workload or may be hitting the same database all at once causing usage spikes.

But my overall performance went up, so I think this was a small price to pay.


Elixir has been a wonderful language to work with. It was not my first language when I started in this project, but it has surely won a lot of my appreciation since then. But I still learn a lot about the language every time something comes up and wanted to share this story for the one's who will try to do something parallel in elixir.

Some things where really great, like how parallel and non parallel code can interact in elixir without losing that nice chain of pipes look. Somethings ended up not so great when things didn't actually worked so well as I had imagined.

If I were to summarize in one thing to take from this post, most of the mistakes were about relying on elixir's nice syntax and easy of use without really given thought to what where the hard science concepts behind that commands.

Like the Inter-Process-Communication situation. I didn't thought at first that getting data in and out that function would require me a overhead so big as copying everything.

Or the "stream is just a function declaration" thing, that got me off guard. At some point I had 40 workers calling the internal pipeline, but that is made of streams internally, I was also not calling anything to materialize those results in that context. So what I most probably had was 40 workers defining functions without really doing any work.

Also, something I took from this episode is: even in a language so nice as elixir I still had to sacrifice usability and readability for performance.

That's all folks.

If anything is amiss or not accurate let me know. Although this situation is good enough for all we use, it would be nice to revisit this subject and improve upon it.